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    Every month
    • weekly industry insights
    • daily brand pitching on your behalf
    • whatsapp access to JTA manager
    • PR gifting
    • event invites
    • personalised outreach
    • monthly webinars hosted by JTA and JTA creators

Please note, we offer ZERO commitment for the purpose of you not being tied to any contracts with a manager, yet having all the benefits of one. For all brand deals we sign with you - we take an agency fee (20%). Considering this, we will make sure to increase your rate for you.


What if I find a manager I like?

You can cancel your subscription anytime, or you can discuss with your new manager what we offer and see if it works for you both. 

How ZERO commitment is it?


We don't require you to sign any agreements apart from a mini one that states who we are, who you are and why you will be expecting payment from us. This is to ensure, you have some sort of document for yourself. 

Do we get to speak with a manager?

yes, we give you 7 days a week access to a manager via Whatsapp. 

I have less than 10,000 followers, is that still ok?

Yes! Lets be realistic, we can't expect to land a $5,000 deal however, we will work on getting you there. We may start with smaller offers and a lot of gifting as long as you are consistent with content and attend webinars.

Im a large creator, will you be able to bring me more deals?

We have been doing this for 5+ years with large creators only. With access to over 2,500 brands - we can almost guarantee work for you. 

So, I subscribe and you start pitching - will you communicate things with me?

As much as this is ZERO commitment, we still want you to know whats happening. So yes, once pitched out and have some feedback from brands we can either sign deals or if negative feedback - discuss those with you so you can improve. 

How to cancel?

Email us on Your membership will be cancelled within 24hrs.

more questions?

ask for Jess for a quick reply ;)


+ general outreach to brands that align with you and your content 


Brand events in your city that align with your branding

3. 24/7 SUPPORT

Your own manager on Whatsapp, available to talk and take on board your new ideas + support any ongoing issues such as shadow banning, blocked platforms and PR disasters

Saint Laurent Magazine on white floor


Monthly Webinars with JTA and JTA roster to discuss topics, whats trending, who has budget, how you can grow your platform and so much more. 


PR gifting organised in alignment with your brand so you can continue to create content that attracts paying brands + build relationships with PR brands. 


Just cancel anytime, its not a huge issue. 

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